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Artist Statement:


I seek to create an eclectic mix of seductive, poignant and spine-tingling art, objects and visuals that straddle the line between the sacred and the profane, the solemn and the absurd.  My work gravitates from the visuals found in sacred shrines and temples, to twisted oddities found in a carnival freak show or a spooky old curiosity shop.  I mix the elegant with awful, the inspirational with the grotesque and the macabre with humorous.  Treasures can be found within the trash.  Scrap yards, the junk piles, thrift-store curiosities and discarded items will set my creativity and motion.  My tools range from dollar store paint brushes to a CNC plasma cutter and my creations can include everything from elaborately CAD-designed CNC metal elements, to pieces based around animal bones and doll heads cobbled together with hot glue and string.  I let the pieces take me where they want to go, and never fail to enjoy the personalities they take on, the stories they might tell or disturbing humor they provide.  Whether my visions are full of beauty, horror or hilarity, or whether I've had to stumble in the dark and peer half-mad into the abyss to do so; in the end, I have still seen them.  And once seen, they cannot be unseen.   The bottom of the Abyss is where the milk and cookies are found.


"A thousand imponderable phantasms
to which we must give reality." -
Guillaume Apollinaire

Ephraim C. Brown / E.C. Brown Anomalies Artist Resume



Anacortes High School 1993-1996

GED 2004

Ongoing Independent Studies


Grants and Awards:

Non-Profit sponsorship by Green Okanogan, 2011

Luxembourg Art Prize Participation Certificate, 2020

Methow Arts and Icicle Creek Center for the Arts Covid Grant, 2021


Solo Exhibitions/Screenings:

Behind the Black Curtain, Tonasket Community Cultural Center, Tonasket, WA Oct. 2019

Tonasket House of Canabis, Tonasket, WA Jan.-Feb. 2019

Secrets and Rust, The Kuhler, Tonasket, WA June-Sept. 2016 (Part of the Tonasket Art Walk)

Distorted Icons, Tonasket Library, Tonasket, WA June 2015

(Censored show that ran for one day before controversial works were removed.)

North Valley Hospital, Tonasket, WA  May-Oct. 2013

Salmon Creek Coffee Company, Okanogan, WA  March - April 2013

Tonasket Library, Tonasket, WA Sept. 2012

Treasures in Strange Forms, Tonasket Community Cultural Center, Tonasket, WA June 2012

Zeitgeist, Mondak Heritage Center, Sidney, MT 2005


Other Shows/Exhibitions/Festivals:

Sick New World Festival, Las Vegas, May 2023 (metal art projected onto video screen during

live performance of Skinny Puppy).

Mirage Tattoo & Art Exhibition, Community Cultural Center, Tonasket, WA May, 2023

(Video Glitch Art on Display)

Filth Little Pictures (Co-Curated), Confluence Gallery, Twisp, WA Feb. 2022

Color of Words, Confluence Gallery, Twisp, WA Feb.2020

En Masse: A Showcase of Assemblage, Confluence Gallery, Twisp, WA Apr.-May 2019

25 out of North 40 (Group Exhibit), Community Cultural Center, Tonasket, WA July 2018

Metamorphic Alchemy (Group Exhibit), Community Cultural Center, Tonasket, WA Dec. 2017

Okanogan Family Faire, Tonasket, WA, Oct. 2018

Icons (Group Exhibit), Lynn Hanson Gallery, Seatle, WA, Aug. 2017

Okanogan Family Faire, Tonasket, WA, Oct. 2016

Love and Regret, Red Dragonfly Gallery, Port Townsend, WA, Dec. 2016

Mythology Exhibit, Confluence Gallery, Twisp, WA Oct - Nov 2015

Okanogan Family Faire, Tonasket, WA, Oct. 2015

Burning Man Festival, Black Rock City, NV Sept. 2015

Okanogan Family Spring Faire, Tonasket, WA May 2015

Okanogan Family Faire, Tonasket, WA, Oct. 2014

Omak Art in the Park, Omak, WA, June 2014

Tonasket Art in the Park, Tonasket, WA, Apr. 2014

Hard Art 2 (Metal, Bone, Stone and Glass) Tonasket Visitor Center, Tonasket, WA Aug-Sept 2013

Okanogan Family Faire, Tonasket, WA, Oct. 2013

Colville Art Show, Colville, WA May 2013

Hard Art, Tonasket Visitor and Business Resource Center, Tonasket, WA, Sept. 2012

Way Out Works, Tonasket Visitor and Business Resource Center, Tonasket, WA, May 2012

Recycled Art, Tonasket Community Cultural Center,  Tonasket, WA, April 2012

Okanogan Family Faire, Tonasket, WA. Oct. 2011


Works on Display / Commissioned Works: 

CNC metal work (custom logos) for Skinny Puppy: The Final Tour, 2023

Tonasket Tattoo Shop, (custom hanging frontage sign), 2023

Stone Crow Tattoo, Tonasket, WA, Ongoing Display, 2018

Red Dragonfly Gallery, Port Townsend, WA, Ongoing Display, 2016

Jillian G. Salon, Anacortes, WA, Ongoing Display, 2016

Wuderkrammer Curiosity Shoppe, Tacoma, WA, Ongoing Display, 2016

Trading Post, Oroville, WA, Ongoing Display, 2016

The Kuhler, Tonasket, WA, Ongoing Display, 2016

Okanogan Library, Two pieces, 2012

Aeneas Valley General Store, Tonasket, WA. Various Assemblage pieces 2012,

Metal Solar Lamp Installation, 2011

Claudia Smith, Okanogan, WA. Two Metal Solar Lamp Installations, 2011

Sonya Schaller, Omak, WA. Metal Art Installation, 2011

Okanogan Family Faire, Tonasket, WA. Metal Flower Installation, 2011

Deikel Lassila, Tonasket, WA. Assemblage Art Piece, 2011

Breadline Cafe, Omak, WA. Multiple Assemblage Pieces, 2011

One Drop Coffee Shop, Tonasket, WA. Three Assemblage Pieces, 2011

Tonasket Community Cultural Center, Tonasket, WA.

Multiple Metal and Assemblage Pieces 2011-2012

Claire Jeffko, Tonasket, WA. Assemblage Pieces, 2012



Acavallo Carousel Group (mechanized art car of metal horses, fire and music)

Artistic Coordinator, Okanogan Family Faire

Okanogan County Artists, Member

Tonasket Community Cultural Center, Member

International Society of Assemblage and Collage Artists, Member

American Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers (ASCAP), Member

International High IQ Society, Member and Newsletter Contributor


Publications and Features:

The Miserere Review #2. Special Edition - Oct 2024 (visual art contest winner)

CNC Metalwork featured in Creative Loafing (Tampa Bay) as part of stage

setup for Skinny Puppy: The Final Tour, Apr 12, 2023 edition. 

The Art Blog, Artists in the time of Coronavirus, an ongoing virtual exhibition, Part 39, June, 2020

Wake Up Screaming, Edition #13, “Trees” Featured Artist, August, 2018

Priestess & Hierophant Press #4 'A Reaping', Featured Artist, August, 2017

Featured in Seattle Refined (in relation to the Seattle Art Car Blowout), June, 2017

Priestess & Hierophant Press #3 'A Becoming', Featured Artist, June, 2017

Gravel Magazine, Featured Multimedia Artist, February, 2017

The Horror Zine, Featrued Artist, September, 2016

Featured in Okanogan Valley Gazette Tribune, June 25, 2015

Featured in Wenatchee World, June 17, 2015

Featured Artist, Statesman Examiner, May 30, 2013

Featured Artist, Oct - Nov. 2012 Brushstrokes (Newsletter of the Okanogan County Artists)

Featured Artist, Wenatchee World, February 2, 2011


Published Works:

Standing room only: Inside the workshop of E.C. Brown Anomalies,

Empty Mirror Magazine, Feb. 2017


Related Work Experience / Professional Experience:

Metal Worker, PlasmaCAM Operator, Administrator, Mad Scientist

Hydemade, Tonasket, WA 2014-2019

Crew Member, Logistical Support, Transport, Setup and Takedown for

Acavallo Carousel (mechanized art car of metal horses, fire and music) Burning Man, 2014

Graphic Designer,  Tonasket Visitor and Business Resource Center,  Tonasket, WA 2012 

Welder, Metal Worker, Metal Artist, Okanogan Family Faire, Tonasket, WA, 2011-2015

Graphic Design, Customer Service, Inventory / Daydream Bookshop, Okanogan, WA, 2007

Annual Book Sale Volunteer / Tonasket Library, 2006-2007 (received certificate of appreciation) 

Graphic Designer, Elk River Printing - Sidney, MT, September 2005 - April 2006 

Public Radio Announcer / Fundraiser, KSER Everett WA, 2004

Radio Announcer, Audio Engineer, Web Designer, KGCX 93.1, Sidney, MT 2004-2005

Information Support Specialist, Community Relations Coordinator, Critical Networking, 2004-2006

Activities Coordinator, Announcer, Performer, Hometown Gravy (Non-Profit Organization),

Seattle, WA, 2003-2004

Set Builder, Laborer, Coordinator, Performer, Bubble Rally 2003, Seattle, WA, 2003


Other Projects:

Model, Photographer, Conceptual Design, Viscous Metamorph; A collaborative photographic

project with Noni Alley, 2021

Designer, Metal Worker, Fabricator, Shatmobile: A Post-Apocolyptic Art Car

Editor, Writer, The Reprobate Tribune (local mini-zine), Tonasket, WA, 2011

Actor, Director, Producer, Melting in a Pool of You, Music Video, 2011 

Actor, Director, Producer, Dance the Machiavellian, Music Video, 2010 

Writer, Performer, Producer, Lügalixium, Studio Album, 2010 

Writer, Performer, Producer, Compositions, Improvisations and Experiments for Solo Guitar,

Studio Album, 2008 

Writer, Performer, Producer, Mind Altering Substance, Studio Album, 2007


Ephraim C. Brown is a conceptual, metal and Assemblage artist, fabricator photographer and designer from the Pacific Northwest. Under the umbrella name of E.C. Brown Anomalies, he utilizes a combination or rusty scrap metal, found objects, CNC plasma-cut components, 3D printing, digital photography and warped sensibilities to create iconic, mesmerizing and sometimes disturbing works and unusual rusty treasures. He believes that there is beauty to be found in the garbage and discarded items of consumer society and that treasures can be made from trash; and that often, it is the duty of the Artist to “Kick against the pricks” of convention and taste in order to find true purpose and meaning in the creative process. Many of his works are centered around social, philosophical, religious and environmental themes. Religious, technological, the macabre and post-apocalyptic imagery is featured prominently. De-personalization, technological enslavement, religious corruption, greed, environmental degradation and other dark aspects of the human condition play their part in these creations; as well as a bit of macabre or gallows humor and tongue-in-cheek sensibilities.


His intricate, elaborate and disturbing pieces were seen at the 2015 Burning Man festival. A few of his pieces were censored and removed from the Tonasket City Library causing his Distorted Icons exhibit to be excluded from 2015 Tonasket Art Walk. The themes and aesthetics of his work often cause him to butt heads with conventional notions of beauty and taste; along with those who feel that art should be "pretty" and "pleasing to the eye".


He and his work has been featured in the Horror Zine, Gravel Magazine, Empty Mirror, the Wenatchee World and Seattle Refined. Ephraim is also the owner of the Shatmobile: A flaming, post-apocalyptic art car which he sometimes takes fiery, swashbuckling adventures. He is also involved in the Tonasket-based metal and fabrication shop Hydemade and the Acavallo Carousel project for Burning Man and beyond; and is the Artistic Coordinator of the Okanogan Family Faire. Brown believes in the advocacy and promotion of rural American Avant Gard art and culture, as both can be found in the most unlikely places; especially where it is ignored, overlooked or even undermined by small-town power-structures and social mores. He currently lives and works out of a log cabin in the woods where this is little infrastructure in a remote area of Okanogan County, Washington.

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